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Here and Beyond by Dr. Juan Harrison

Here and Beyond by Dr. Juan Harrison
  • PublishedNovember 8, 2023

Here and Beyond 

A friend went fishing the other day.  The last I heard he was still in ICU with unknown status.  Quick action by others may have saved his life and reduced the effects of the stroke.  Another friend recently was nearby home as she pulled out into traffic and never made it across the intersection.

I’ve often wondered about people’s thoughts as they are confronted with their mortality.  At that moment of realization that life could be over very quickly, does your life flash before your eyes.  What I bet doesn’t happen is regret at leaving your house, classic car, motorcycle, your business, or a multitude of other material goods.

For most of us elders we’ve been given, fortunately or not, a bit more time to sit and muse over the meaning of life, our legacy, and what we’ll leave behind.  For some, it’s almost an obsession trying to control the dispersal or disposal of our stuff.

Funny how life can change in the blink of an eye.  One minute we’re looking at a new car, tractor, or a newer house.  The next minute we’re bargaining for another breath and just the chance for a little more time as the heart beats more faintly in our chest.

Yesterday you and the rich farmer in the Bible were drawing up plans for bigger barns to house overflowing crops.  The next moment you’re staring at the monitor at the foot of the bed as the numbers grow smaller and the lines flatten out.

Life is a gift.  Time is invaluable.  Human mortality is just that.  The older we get, the more reminders we have that time waits for no man.  Seize the day.  There’s no benefit of procrastination.  If you’ve thought about it, better git er dun.  The Bible tells us the night is coming when no one will be able to work.  Maybe we’re given this insight to push us into action as we realize there are limits to our existence.  The young are foolish and think they have unlimited time.  Us olders know better.  Just ask our aching back or knee.

Just as we see the evil of this world as it seems to be getting an upper hand, it, too, can serve as a reminder that time is short.  Good intentions are worthless.  Do what you need to do and say what you need or want to say to someone you care about.  Let the warnings of life’s brevity push us into maximizing our dwindling time account.  CD’s and IRA’s be hanged.  It’s these other important life decisions that need our attention as they affect us here and beyond the grave.

By Dr. Juan Harrison




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