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3 Things to do to Prepare for Eating Healthy While on Vacation by Whitney Vaughan

3 Things to do to Prepare for Eating Healthy While on Vacation by Whitney Vaughan
  • PublishedJuly 21, 2022


I’m currently on a beach vacation, and it got my thinking about the next topic for this week’s article.  Since it’s summertime, I have a lot of clients ask about what to pack and take on vacation as far as snacks go. I like to share what helps me.

1. Prepare Your Body and Mind

I spend several weeks before vacation preparing for my trip. For me, that means I really focus on my eating and exercising. I kept my structured meal schedule and meal plan so that when vacation started I wouldn’t have to stress about weight gain. (Even though the scale may go up, the actual possibility of fat gain in a week is slim.) Also when I’m on vacation, I don’t focus on meal timing or how much of something I’m eating. I enjoy the things I love while also using what I’ve learned to live a healthier lifestyle. 

2.  Plan Ahead

Before I head out for vacation, I have an idea of what I’m going to be eating while we’re gone, especially for dinners. I plan a menu of easy, family friendly meals like tacos or spaghetti which are also easy to modify for macro friendly meals if desired. If I think we’re going to eat out at a restaurant, I take a look at the menus ahead of time to see what I’ll be having and plan my day around it. Remember, I don’t weigh my meals or count macros while I’m vacation, but I’m still mindful and try not to binge eat. 

3. Pack Snacks

I always throw together some of my favorite snacks that help me say no to bags of chips or sleeves of cookies. I like to pack protein powder, my Vital Proteins-Collagen Peptides, protein bars, and a new favorite discovery thanks to a friend, Heavenly Hunks Oatmeal Dark Chocolate…these are little chunks of oats & chocolate chips that remind me of eating a homemade oatmeal cookie fresh out of the oven.  One ‘heavenly hunk’ is just enough to satisfy my nagging sweet tooth.  I still enjoy the occasional ice cream bar or bite size brownie, but for the most part these are just some foods I turn to now that I’ve consistently eaten this way for over two years. I keep fruits on hand too and go for those as a sweet at breakfast or with my lunch.

Top 5 Snack Choices

I hope you’ll continue to make good, healthy choices on your healthier lifestyle journey so that you too can enjoy your vacations while being mindful and guilt free.
Submitted by: Whitney Vaughan



Written By
Christian Dicus

Christian Dicus is a Sulphur Springs, Texas native. She currently works as the Director of Operations and Content Strategist for Chad's Media LLC. As well as a photographer and contributing writer for Front Porch News.