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  • PublishedFebruary 11, 2022

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Today I noticed our first few dandelions, as well as a few other weeds, popping up in the yard.  Although they are not welcome sights to those who love a picture-perfect yard, they are a welcome sign for me as they mean spring can’t be far behind.Last week the bulbs for naked ladies that my father-in-law gave me several years ago had extended their long green leaves toward the heavens.  Now we can anticipate their slender stalks to soon follow suit.Soon after that the red spider lilies that my mom planted twenty-five or more years ago will start to grow.  Oh, how I miss my mom, but I am so thankful that each eye-catching lily reminds me of her.In a world that has grown so fast-paced and hard, isn’t it comforting to know that we can count on nature to help move our year along?  It is not the calendar on our phones that brings color and beauty to our world, but the dependable yet unexpected signs of nature that we find in the world around us that offer wonders beyond imagination.

[adning id=”33207″]As the rest of the yard awakens from its slumber, roses will provide a faint scent as their beauty draws us nearer.  I have tropicana, hot pink double knockout, and love roses in my flower beds along with some pretty pink ones from my Aunt E’s house.  The tropicana and love roses were gifts to me from my husband, further adding to their beauty.And herbs!  The aromas from fresh herbs make my heart feel full.  I don’t know why I have such a love affair with herbs!  Maybe it is because their scent is so heavy when they are in the garden and that they can be used in the kitchen as well!  Anything that does double duty is okay with me.

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The days are starting to get longer, and the other bonus this week has been the warmer weather and sunny days.  The feelings of hope and renewal that spring offers each of us is an amazing phenomenon.  As we metaphorically consider winter to be a season of cold, isolation, and death, isn’t it wonderful to follow it up with a time for birth, warmth, and life?I feel like this spring is giving us all a collective sigh of relief.  We have made it through winter, and we have hope.Many years ago, I ran across a quote on hope which went something along the lines of, “There are only three (or maybe it was four) kinds of hope in this world….”  I don’t recall all of the kinds of hope, but education and religion were two of them.  Surely spring was in there somewhere.

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Contributed by Kayla Price

Written By
Taylor Nye

Taylor Nye is the editor of Front Porch News. She has degrees from the University of Wisconsin in human biology, Latin American studies, and public health. She has previously worked at the Wisconsin State Journal, Tucson Weekly and Sulphur Springs News-Telegram. As a sixth generation Hopkins County resident, she loves celebrating our heritage and history.