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SSISD School Board Approves New Hires at Monday’s Board Meeting

SSISD School Board Approves New Hires at Monday’s Board Meeting
  • PublishedJuly 10, 2018

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No one requested to address the Board during the Public Forum portion of the meeting.



Josh Williams reviewed the 2018-19 employee handbook.  The handbook is located on the District’s website.



Along with routine matters, the following were approved:


Robbin Vaughn as delegate and Robert Cody as alternate for the 2018 TASB Delegate Assembly to be held on September 29, 2018 in Austin, TX.


2018-19 Student Code of Conduct Handbook.  The handbook is located on the District’s website.


Revisions to local policies DEC(LOCAL), EIA(LOCAL), and EIC(LOCAL). Updated policies will be posted on the District’s website.


Superintendent was given approval to make changes, with assistance of school district attorney, to Pro Rata agreement with City.



Sherry McGraw presented an updated draft of the 2018-2019 budget.  The budget will be submitted for approval at the regular August 13 board meeting.





Kristen Downs                           Kindergarten Teacher                             Bowie Primary

Kelsey Kraemer                         Kindergarten Teacher                             Bowie Primary

Timothy Thomas                        Science Teacher                                    SS Elementary

Paige Cooksey                         ELAR/SpEd Teacher                              Middle School

Connie Ruiz                               ELAR Co-Teacher                                  Middle School

Lani Williams                             Math Teacher                                        Middle School

Ashton Wells                             Science Teacher/Coach                         High School


New Personnel

Morgan Davis                           Grade 2 Math    Teacher             Bowie Primary

Xenia Franco                             Grade 1 ELAR Teacher                          Lamar Primary

Tammy Gamblin                        Grade 4 Math & Science                        SS Elementary

Marsha Jackson                        Special Ed. Teacher                              Middle School

Jana Satterfield                         Special Ed. Teacher                              Middle School

April Offutt                                Campus Police Secretary/                      High School



Personnel Change                    New Position/Campus                          Former Position/Campus

Lucia Hickman                           Head Start 3 Teacher/Douglass ECLC    Pre-K Aide/Douglass ECLC

Amber Landers                          Special Ed. Teacher/SS Elementary       Grade 1 ELAR Teacher/Lamar

Marcie Stewart                          Special Ed. Teacher/SS Elementary       Special Ed. Aide/Middle School

Joshua Peugh                           Math Teacher/Middle School                  Math Teacher/High School

Jacie Reger                               English Teacher/Middle School              Grade 3 ELAR Teacher/Travis

Cecelia Echols                          Special Ed. Teacher/High School           Special Ed. Teacher/SS Elem



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