Tira News by Jan Vaughn-June 1st, 2018

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Jorene Orr would like to inform the public that the first meeting for “Concerned Citizens Highway 19 North” will be held in the North Hopkins School Cafeteria on June 19th at 6:30 p.m. Everyone is encouraged to come together to voice concerns on the “19th for 19”.
Sherry Smiddy received a box of meats for the Tira Food Pantry from an anonymous donor. We want to express our thanks for the generous contribution. Also, we appreciate the staff at North Hopkins ISD for contributing to the pantry.
Joyce Dodd reports, “Alyssa Owens, our great-granddaughter, graduated with her 8th grade class at North Hopkins School on Friday night.” She adds, “On Saturday, our son, Michael McNiel, brought lunch to our house to celebrate a late Mother’s Day and early Father’s Day. After lunch, Michael and I met Rosemary Horn and Glenda Zumwalt at The Magic Scoop for ice cream before Michael returned home to Richardson.
The Aiguier Cemetery Association Meeting is Sunday, June 3rd, at the North Hopkins School Cafeteria. A covered-dish lunch will be shared at noon, followed by the meeting.
The families of the late Robert (Bob) and Myrtle Lawrence met at the Tira Community Center for their annual reunion on the weekend of May 19th and 20th. Georgia Smith shares, “The group was small, but we had a big time!” She adds, “Time has taken it toll on all of us, so many were unable to come. We will continue to have it, but only for one day.” Those attending included Mary Rawson, Georgia and Troy Smith of Tira, Joyce Johnson of Mesquite, Gene and Ida Bratcher of Sulphur Springs, Charlene Lawrence of Fort Worth, Lori Lawrence and friend Donna of Arlington, Mark, Julie Sawyer, Darby, Addie and two friends, Ryan and Wes from Grapevine, E.C. Evans from West, Bryndal Williams, Jimmy and Helen Smith of Greenville, and Cody, Chandler, and Cooper Wilson of Forney. Also visiting were Murray and Diana Smith of Sulphur Springs.
Landon, Laiken, Rylan, Brailon, and Slaiden went to Mt. Enterprise on Saturday to pick up Dixie, so she can spend a couple of weeks with them. They went to the Caldwell Zoo in Tyler before returning home. The kids stayed with us for a while on Saturday evening, while Landon and Laiken shopped in Paris. They enjoyed fishing and playing on the riding toys.
Chip and I attended a graduation party for or grandniece, Mattie Hall, at her sister, Tana’s, home on Friday evening. Tiffany came by for a while, before going to the 8th grade graduation at North Hopkins. We went to Mattie’s graduation at North Hopkins on Saturday afternoon.
North Hopkins School will offer free breakfast and lunch for kids 18 and under on Monday through Thursday during the month of June. Breakfast will be served from 7:30 to 8:00 and lunch will be from 11:30 to 12:00.
I always need and appreciate input from my friends to help keep me informed of news in our community. If you have any news pertaining to Tira residents, past or present, please contact me, Jan Vaughn, at 903-945-2190 or 903-438-6688 or janvaughn73@gmail.com.
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