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Do Well, Be Well with Diabetes by Johanna Hicks

Do Well, Be Well with Diabetes by Johanna Hicks
  • PublishedFebruary 23, 2018

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Do Well, Be Well with Diabetes

            Time certainly flies!  The spring series of “Do Well, Be Well with Diabetes” is just a few short weeks away, and plans have already begun to provide a quality, informative, and impactful program.  If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with diabetes, this series is for you!  Here are the topics to be covered and a brief synopsis of each:

  • Monday, April 9: “Getting Started: How Food Affects your Blood Glucose” – we will cover the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes, which foods affect your blood glucose the most, and nutrition labels to help make healthier choices.
  • Thursday, April 12: “Are You Eating the Right Number of Carbohydrates?” – this session will cover the reasons and steps to check blood glucose, recommended glucose ranges, what outside factors affect your blood glucose, and discuss carbohydrate “choices” as a part of meal planning.
  • Monday, April 16: “Beyond Diet: Improving Blood Glucose Control with Physical Activity” – we will cover the benefits of both aerobic and resistance physical activity, discuss symptoms of and how to treat low blood glucose, and discuss the importance of eating regular meals and snacks.
  • Thursday, April 19: “Beyond Diet and Physical Activity: Improving Blood Glucose Control with Medication” – this session will cover the reasons for starting medications, risks of delaying medications, tips for eating out and portion control.
  • Monday, April 23: “Celebrating Diabetes Control While Avoiding Complications” – this session discusses complications and prevention strategies, how to get the most from your doctor’s visit, strategies to incorporate sweets or desserts into a healthy eating pattern.

All sessions will take place at the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service – Hopkins County office, 1200 W. Houston (next door to the Southwest Dairy Museum).  Two times are being offered to accommodate participants’ schedules, so pick the time that works best for you:  1:30 or 6:00 p.m.  You can even mix-and-match times if necessary.  A one-time fee of $25, payable at the first session, covers materials, refreshments, door prizes, and supplementary materials.  Couples sharing materials will only pay one fee.  Please call 903-885-3443 to add your name to the list so adequate preparations can be made.

Urban Myths and Misconceptions

            While preparing a newsletter for the Hopkins County Master Wellness Volunteers, I included a section on myths and misconceptions.  Much inaccurate information is being circulated via social media and internet.  I was to share with you some myths and truths provided by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, USDA, and the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education program.

–        Myth #1:  You don’t have to count calories to keep a healthy weight.  Truth: Maintaining weight requires balancing energy intake with energy expenditure.  Calories in = calories out.

–        Myth #2: Starches and other carbohydrates make you gain weight.  Truth: Low carbohydrate diets may help with initial weight loss, but cannot be sustain long-term.  Carbohydrates are important sources of vitamins, dietary fiber, and fuel.

–        Myth #3: Drinking lots of water helps you lose weight.  Truth: It is not specifically the water that causes weight loss, but rather that we are replacing a higher calorie beverage with a lower calorie beverage.  Choose water rather than sweetened beverages.

–        Myth #4: Snacks are bad.  Truth: Healthy snacks can help control appetite and promote portioned meals as opposed to overeating at meal time.

–        Myth #5: Eating health is expensive.  Truth: A 3-ounce chicken breast, 4 ounces of broccoli, ½ cup carrots, ½ cup brown rice, ½ apple and 2 teaspoons Greek yogurt costs about $1.95.

For healthy weight management, plans meals and snacks and eat when you hungry – stop when you are not.  Consider the frequency and contents of your snacks.  Increase intake of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.  Eat most of your meals at home and watch supersized portions when eating out.  It’s ok to indulge every now and then, but don’t forget physical activity – 30 minutes most days of the week.

Closing Thought

Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you sit still – Roy Rogers



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