Tira News by Jan Vaughn

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Jason Beck, son of Lee & Kim Beck, just got his transfer to Washington, D.C. from Norfolk, VA. He will be serving his country in Naval Intelligence. Kim says, “Go Navy!” She also reports, “Maddie Beck is enjoying her senior year at TCU. Go Hornfrogs! Jackson Dailey is getting ready to test for his Real Estate license, working full time and taking classes for his Masters in History at UT San Antonio. Go Roadrunners! Our sweet daughter-in-law, Courtney Dailey, has finished her summer internship at the U.S. Attorneys office & has begun her 2nd year at St Mary’s University Law School. Go Rattlers!”
Many thanks to Alliance Bank for providing hot dogs, chips, and water at the Elementary Math Night at North Hopkins School.
Sherry Smiddy and Powell Vickery enjoyed a surprise visit from David and Deanna Vickery on Saturday afternoon. Daylee Fite went to the Rains County Fair on Saturday and spent the night with Kayleigh Tew at Sheila Jenkins’ house. They got to listen and dance to the Jason Walden Band and went to church on Sunday. Powell and Sherry’s grandson, Brayden Vickery was baptized on Sunday at the Cross Spur Cowboy Church. Sherry comments, “It was a beautiful good week-end in Tira, Texas.”
Linda Parsons shared that Buddy got strep last week and was off from school for several days. She learned from the school nurse that students have to be fever free for 24 hours without fever medication prior to returning to school. Linda commented that “lots of kids are sick right now and thought this info worth repeating.”
Early voting is going on for the North Hopkins ISD Tax “swap” Ratification Election (TRE) in the main office from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. weekdays and until 5:00 p.m. on October 2nd. Election day for the TRE is October 6, 2017 in the Board Room of the Administration Building, from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
The North Hopkins Alumni Association will have their annual school
homecoming on Saturday, October 14, 2018. Registration and bingo will begin at 4:30, followed by a barbecue meal at 5:30 in the school cafeteria. The cost for the meal is $12.50 per person and may be paid at the door. After the meal there will be a program honoring the Classes of 1967, 1977, and 1987 for their 50-, 40-, and 30-year reunion, and then the Monday Night Jam Band will provide entertainment, while ex-students enjoy listening and visiting. Please help spread the word to all former North Hopkins students and staff.
I always need and appreciate input from my friends to help keep me informed of news in our community. If you have any news pertaining to Tira residents, past or present, please contact me, Jan Vaughn, at 903-945-2190 or 903-438-6688 or janvaughn73@gmail.com.
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