Local beef and hay producer recognized by prestigious County Agent Association
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The “Man of the Year in Texas Agriculture” Awards program has been proudly sponsored by the Texas County Agricultural Agents Association for the past fifty years. The members, directors, and officers of the TCAAA are privileged to bestow this award to eight individuals in recognition of their outstanding leadership in agriculture, agribusiness and their support of the educational program efforts of the County Extension Agents of Texas. Their unselfish service has contributed to improving the economic well-being and quality of life in their community, our state and our nation. According to Steve Byrns, Editor and Extension Specialist, Agricultural Communications, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Services in San Angelo, “ The Texas County Agricultural Agents Association recognized seven individuals with “Man of the Year” awards during a July 18 banquet in their honor at the association’s annual meeting in Odessa. The honorees and respective Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service districts that nominated them were: Dr. Steve Kennedy, District 2; Don Smith, District 4; Bill Wight and Allan Fuchs, District 6; Adele Matula Uptmore, District 8; Brian McCoy, District 10, and Andy Scott, District 12.
Don Smith has been a beef, dairy and hay producer in Hopkins County. He graduated from Texas Tech University in 1967 with a bachelor’s degree in agriculture. His nomination states his involvement with beef and dairy organizations as well as community organizations has spanned decades. “Smith has served as president of the Texas Farm Bureau and Hopkins/Rains County Farm Bureau, on committees for the Texas Beef Council, the Task Force on Agricultural Development and the Texas A&M Congressional Internship Selection Committee,” the nomination said. “He is a past director of the Texas Association of Dairymen and served as president for three years, in addition to serving as a director of the Southwest Dairy Museum.
“Along with all of these roles, Don always finds time for grassroots efforts in Hopkins and surrounding counties, and has been instrumental in the planning and developing of educational agricultural awareness programs in the community. Smith and the Hopkins-Rains Farm Bureau in cooperation with AgriLife Extension conduct the Hopkins, Delta, Franklin and Rains County Ag in the Classroom educational event, with more than 1,000 fourth-grade students exposed to agricultural education annually.”
Smith is currently a member of the Hopkins County Extension Leadership Advisory Board. He was a key beef producer in the creation of the Northeast Texas Beef Improvement Organization and is an active contributor to the multiple preconditioning cattle sales held each year. ” The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Office in Hopkins County will like to join TCAAA and congratulate Don Smith for many years supporting our local agriculture and being a mentor and a friend of the Hopkins County Extension Program.
Upcoming events:
- Cattlemen Classic and Ribeye Cook-off. October 6, 2017, downtown Sulphur Springs. A great opportunity to learn and enjoy the beef industry in Hopkins County. We will host a producer trade show with companies and support industry (starting at 2:00 PM) at the downtown area (free), a feature keynote speaker Trent Loos at the Courthouse (free) as part of the 2017 NETBIO producer meeting. The celebration continues with the cook-off competition, dinner (tickets available for $25 at Texas Heritage Bank and Brookshire’s in Sulphur Springs) and a free concert featuring Stoney Larue starting at 8:00 PM.
- Red Alliance Red Angus Production Sale. Registered Bulls, Females, and Commercial Red Angus. Oct 2, 2017 in the Hopkins County Civic Center. Sale starts 10 am / 150 head can be previewed on Sunday afternoon. Call John Macek @903-348-2138for a catalog or www.redalliance.biz
- Private Applicators CEU and Hamburger Cook-Off. November 1, 2017. Join us to learn new techniques in weed management in pastures (1hr) hay production (1 hr), pond weed management (1 hr), Laws and Regulations related to use of restricted pesticides (1 hr), and protection of pollinators in agriculture (1 hr. IPM). Regional Civic Center. Call The Hopkins County Extension office at 903-885-3443 to register. Cost $30 lunch included.
For more information on these or any other agricultural topic please contact the Hopkins County Extension Office at 903-885-3443 or email me at m-villarino@tamu.edu.
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