SSISD Regular Board Meeting Brief 2/13/17
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Regular Meeting 2/13/17
A regular meeting of the Sulphur Springs ISD school board was held on Monday,
February 13, 2017.
No one requested to address the Board.
A public hearing was conducted for the 2015-2016 Texas Academic Performance Report.
A public hearing was conducted for considering designation of Sulphur Springs ISD as a District of Innovation.
Students from several CTE student organizations made presentations to the Board.
Jim Bayuk, SSISD Police Chief, presented a required report on racial profiling. Since the department submitted an application for exemption, they are automatically considered exempt until a desired change is required.
Sherry McGraw reported on applications being submitted to join two purchasing cooperatives – PACE Cooperative, ESC 20, San Antonio and 1GPA, Government Procurement Alliance, Phoenix, AZ
Josh Williams presented TASB Localized Manual Update 107 to members. The update will be presented for approval at the regular March meeting.
Head Start items below were given to the Board for informational purposes.
- Head Start Director’s Report – December/January
- Policy Council Minutes – January
Along with routine matters, the following were approved:
Pursuing designation of Sulphur Springs ISD as a District of Innovation.
Committee to develop the district’s local innovation plan. Committee will consist of the District Advisory Council members and all campus principals.
Resolution 2-17 designating March 6-10, 2017 as Texas Public Schools Week in SSISD. The theme this year is “The Power of Public-Celebrate Texas Public Schools”.
Order of Election to call trustee election for Saturday, May 6, 2017.
Appointment of Michael Wolfe as election judge and Nell Furney as alternate election judge for the May 6, 2017 school board election.
Budget amendments for September 2016 through January 2017 of the fiscal year ending August 31, 2017.
Superintendent Michael Lamb’s 3-year contract was extended for one additional year.
*Phyllis Flemens Maintenance Secretary Admin
*Jean Davis Officer Clerk ECLC
*Anita Godbolt Pre-K Teacher ECLC
*Vicki Newsom Grade 3 Teacher SS Elementary
New Personnel
Candice Lamb SpEd Aide Middle School
Personnel Change New position/campus Former position/campus
Amanda Fenton Principal/ECLC Academic Spec./Lamar
(Will start following Sherry Finney’s retirement)
*Early retirement notification