Life’s Flavors ~ Old Fashioned By Allison Libby-Thesing

March is here, and we are celebrating the month with a classic Whiskey drink, the Old Fashioned. Since we are making this for the Oaks Bed and Breakfast, our drink would not be complete without an herb resting on the side, and what better herb than rosemary to bring out the flavor of the whiskey. Once again, we used one of our favorite whiskey’s from Teeling Irish Whiskey.
The Old Fashioned is thought to originate around the early 1800’s and were further adapted in later years. The”“old-fashioned cocktails”referred to a general style before becoming synonymous with a particular drink,” from this website you can read their full article about the history on the link. Basically, consumers were not familiar with the term cock-tail, and soon found that ordering these mixed drinks proved to be a new way to consume some of their favorite whiskeys and bourbons.
The Old Fashioned was born and still lives on today as a classical way to enjoy these libations.
The Old Fashioned Mix together your drink in a tumbler filled with a large ice cube or in a mixing cup. You can mix in the glass you plan to serve your drink in or mix in a separate cup then pour over your ice. Add all liquid ingredients together. Garnish with orange peel, rosemary and cherry. Enjoy!
This drink is simplistic in the ingredients that it uses, while having a fantastic mix of complex tastes. The perfect way to finish your night by the fire or watching the sunset. As always please drink responsibly and have a designated drive. Cheers!
2 ounces Whiskey
1 bar spoon cherry syrup
1 bar spoon simple syrup
2-3 dashes of bitters
Orange peel
Bourbon Cherry
Rosemary sprig
By Allison Libby-Thesing