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Daily Devotional from The Way Bible Church for October 9th, 2018

Daily Devotional from The Way Bible Church for October 9th, 2018
  • PublishedOctober 9, 2018

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Tuesday, October 9th

Matthew 6:9 (The Passion Translation) 
9 Pray like this: ‘Our Father, dwelling in the heavenly realms, may the glory of your name be the center on which our lives turn.

The Lord’s Prayer, as it has been labeled by man, has been quoted and recited by every denomination and Christian circle since Jesus shared it in the sermon on the mount, and rightly so. Unfortunately, as often as it is heard coming from the lips of countless believers, precious few will ever stop to truly seek the revelation or the depth meaning of what Jesus was trying to teach in this moment. For example, if you will break down the opening statement you will find that Jesus had a grasp on the enormity and power of the Name of God. Where most people roll straight through and recite ‘hallowed be Your Name’ a phrase using uncommon language to most, Jesus was making a valid and important point. He was saying that before anything other issue or topic is brought up the proper recognition of who God is needs to be established. He is the source of all good, all life, and all power. Any and everything that goes on in your life should revolve around Him. Before any need is presented or request made, the God of all gods should be given the glory and honor He is due. This is not for His benefit, but for your’s. Giving Him His proper place and establishing who He really is in your life will strengthen your faith in Him. You must recognize that He is greater and worthy of more attention and honor than any other issue or circumstance that is occurring presently in your life. Putting Him in the proper perspective will allow Him to give you His perspective, and it’s His perspective and input that you need to see victory in your life. – Love and Blessings, Pastor Jeff



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