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Sulphur Springs City Council Meeting Agenda for August 7th, 2018

Sulphur Springs City Council Meeting Agenda for August 7th, 2018
  • PublishedAugust 6, 2018

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AUGUST 07, 2018 7:00 P.M.

The regular meeting of the Sulphur Springs City Council will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 07, 2018 in the Council Room at 201 North Davis Street. The following items will be discussed:

1. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag, Texas Flag, and invocation.
2. Presentations, proclamations, and announcements.
(A) Roberts Rules of Order / Open Meetings Act presentation by Jim McLeroy, City Attorney

3. Manager’s report will include a status report of capital improvements, wastewater treatment plant operations, accidents and claims for the month, and a review of expenditures and revenues.
4. Discussion/action on Consent Agenda.
5. Discussion/action on Public Hearing for second and final reading of Ordinance No. 2725, a rezoning request by Frances Mears to rezone a 0.47 acre parcel located at 601 South Jackson Street, being further described as Lots 32 & 33 of Block 49, from Light Industrial (LI) to Multi-Family (MF).
6. Discussion/action on first reading of Ordinance No. 2726, a budget amendment for FY 2017-2018.
7. Discussion/action on bids and award of contract for reinsurance for the City of Sulphur Springs Employee Insurance Program.
8. Discussion/action on a motion to appoint the Charter Review committee.
9. Discussion/action on Community Facilities Agreement for Roy Lee Beezley Addition.

10. Discussion/action on Resolution No. 1152 authorizing an interlocal agreement with the City of Sulphur Springs, Texas, and Saputo Dairy Foods, LLC for Texas Capital Funds Infrastructure Project – Saputo Dairy Foods, LLC.
11. Visitors and public forum.
12. Adjourn.



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