Monk Named 2A Student Athlete of the Year

Como-Pickton CISD announced Monday that senior Addison Monk was named Texas 2A Student Athlete of the Year. By winning the award she not only won the title of Student Athlete of the Year but also the Letterman to Leader scholarship.
Monk has been a huge piece of the Lady Eagles athletic program over the last four years, making huge contributions in all spots. Her play as not only garnered her numerous awards, but has also helped the Lady Eagles reach new heights, including a historic run in softball.
“Addi Monk is a competitor, she will compete and push others around her to get the job done,” head volleyball coach Celeste Garcia said. “She was our team captain and led the team to a successful season.”
Other coaches had glowing things to say about the senior multi-sport athlete as well. “I have coached Addi for thee years hear at Como-Pickton and she has always worked hard,” girls basketball coach Joe Garcia said.
“What drives her is her competitive nature that she has and she is determined not to lose as anything she competes in. Addi has been one of our cornerstones in the athletic program for all her school years and she leads by example,” Garcia added.
“She is a tremendous asset to the athletic program and the school district. Not only does she work hard on the field/court but more importantly in the classroom. She is a true student-athlete.”
The award couldn’t go to a more deserving person, as mentioned by her coaches. Monk thrives in and out of athletics and makes those around her better as well.