Obituary for Audra Agee
Audra was born on Wednesday, August 16, 2023, at 8:09 A.M. She Weighed 6.6 pounds and was 20 inches long, brought to a lovingly prepared home with her parents Trevor and Audrey.
Audra entered this life with an unexpected terminal illness: Zellweger’s Syndrome. With the help of her family, friends and numerous medical personnel, her life was filled with warmth and love.
Survived by her parents; Grandparents, Travis and Lisa Agee, Alan and Mary Lutz; Uncle, Chandlers Agee; Aunts, Crystal Williams (Lutz) and Morgan Lutz; Cousins, Alivia, Shianne, Willow Williams.
Preceded in death by great grandparents and cousins Harley Williams and Charlotte Children.
Arrangements are under the direction of Murray-Orwosky Funeral Home.
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