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AT HOME WITH KAYLA PRICE 12/16: Reflecting on Christmases Past

AT HOME WITH KAYLA PRICE 12/16: Reflecting on Christmases Past
  • PublishedDecember 16, 2022

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Reflecting on Christmases PastI recently read a statement that put forth the idea that in our current society we don’t savor an experience while it is going on, nor do we reflect on it once it is over.An easy way to think of this is vacation!   We stress over packing, getting there, then run from one activity to the next.  Do we ever stop to enjoy the sights and sounds?  To identify what makes the destination unique?   To experience what the locals experience?  And when we return home, do we talk about the experience and what our takeaways are?  When my nephew was small, I would always ask him his favorite meal, favorite thing we did, favorite view, etc. while returning home. I learned a lot of his preferences, but he also had to think through his feelings and what he liked. I would write his answers down.Maybe we should be asking these questions after Christmas. Favorite gift, favorite food we ate, favorite holiday experience. And the flip side, worst gift, worst food and worst experience.  Wow! Would we overworked, overextended parents learn where we could save time and money!I do not have the best memory, but I do recall that my parents, who came from very humble circumstances, always gave my sister and me what they were raised to know to be decadent gifts.  In our stockings each year were an apple, an orange, and a $100 bill.When my parents were young, fresh fruit was such a treat. It was in small supply and very expensive. That is probably why the gift packs of fruits and nuts are in most supermarkets this time of year.  It is a tradition that dates back to that time.Of course the $100 bill was a great deal of money when my sister and I were young. When the bank opened the next working day, my mom would take us to deposit it in our savings account. That was back when you actually earned good interest on your savings account!We usually each had a gift or two from Santa, nothing too expensive or elaborate. I received a Miss America makeup doll one year, and my sister received a tape recorder. One year we together were given a TV.  I had spoiled the surprise by looking where my mom had said not to look. She caught me, and I got in trouble.Another year we both received Crissy dolls. I got one in an orange dress with brown knee boots while Markeda’s Crissy was dressed in a pink satin evening dress with pink pumps.I think back to the difference of Christmas experiences that my parents had while growing up versus the experiences they created for my sister and me.  Of course the experiences we created for my nephew when he was young were different as well.I think I have hit the age when I like to reflect on everything.  Do you reflect on your Christmas experiences?

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Contributed by Kayla Price. Historical photos from Hopkins County Historical Society

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Written By
Taylor Nye

Taylor Nye is the editor of Front Porch News. She has degrees from the University of Wisconsin in human biology, Latin American studies, and public health. She has previously worked at the Wisconsin State Journal, Tucson Weekly and Sulphur Springs News-Telegram. As a sixth generation Hopkins County resident, she loves celebrating our heritage and history.