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AT HOME WITH KAYLA PRICE 8/26: Anticipating Fall

AT HOME WITH KAYLA PRICE 8/26: Anticipating Fall
  • PublishedAugust 26, 2022

FallFall may not be in the air, but it is on our minds.  The thought of cooler weather, football games, and snuggly sweaters are coming to the forefront as football season kicks off and advertisers share fall and Halloween decorations.Tonight, while I flipped through a catalog filled with images of women in warm sweaters and knee boots, I felt a bit nostalgic for cool weather dressing from the 1990s.  I know that is so very random.  Maybe it is because ‘90s fashions are so in vogue, but for me that was the first few years out of college.  I had my first “real” job and could rock the latest styles like my 20 something size 2 petite self was confident enough to do.I also felt a bit homesick (I know this is not the word I need, but this is the feeling I have) for cool nights gathered with my family.  Maybe we had chicken stew and watched a few sitcoms. Or maybe we just sat around talking about things.  Whatever it was, I wish I could capture that feeling again.Word has it that we are due to for a harsh winter.  I have yet to replant some of my bushes and plants after the last couple of snowy winters.  If we keep having harsh winters, I might just go for the rock yard with a few planters sort of concept.I stopped buying wool sweaters because they aren’t needed in Texas.  A good cotton sweater is fine and doesn’t fall victim to a hungry moth or cricket.  The few I have are useful for the random snow or the vacation to Park City, Utah.  Boots are still a requirement just because I live in a pasture which means they will always be a necessity.My home will be decorated with a few pumpkins and orange accents.  A fall candle will burn for a couple of months.  Food will include autumn delights such as pumpkin soup, spaghetti squash, roasted acorns, and autumn spice bread.  These are a few of our favorite fall treats, along with hot chocolate and pumpkin spiced lattes.When we were young, we usually had a hayride each fall.  My dad kept square bales back then, which were perfect for our now stolen trailer.  I am not sure why we all find it such a joy to sit on an uncomfortable bale of hay while bumping along in a pasture and having sinus issues the following week, but it was fun back then and would be fun now.While I sit here in shorts and a t-shirt with the AC far too low, I can daydream about fall.  It may not be my reality anytime soon, and when it is a reality it may be fleeting, but it still holds wonderful feelings, joys and memories.  I am going to wait a month or two before I outwardly show my love for fall!

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Contributed by Kayla Price

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Written By
Taylor Nye

Taylor Nye is the editor of Front Porch News. She has degrees from the University of Wisconsin in human biology, Latin American studies, and public health. She has previously worked at the Wisconsin State Journal, Tucson Weekly and Sulphur Springs News-Telegram. As a sixth generation Hopkins County resident, she loves celebrating our heritage and history.