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Life’s Flavors ~Rosemary Smoke by Allison Libby-Thesing

Life’s Flavors ~Rosemary Smoke by Allison Libby-Thesing
  • PublishedJanuary 9, 2025


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With cold weather ahead for our Texas winter and this week being especially chilly, with even a bit of snow in the forecast, we have whipped up a tasty smoky drink for our herb infused cocktail of the month. What makes the smoky flavor come out in this drink, is actually burning a little bit of rosemary into the glass you plan to serve your drink in. I’m sure the flavor and strength of the smoke will be different based on how green your rosemary is. Just use caution and be careful not to light your house on fire when preparing this drink. Use a surface that is non-flammable and maybe some rosemary that is a little on the green side.

Since ours was fresh cut, our rosemary proved to be a little difficult to light and gather smoke, but we managed to make it happen. While you are preparing the drink, start off by capturing the smoke in the glass. Light your rosemary and place on a non-flammable surface and top with serving glass. This will hold in the smoke while you prepare your drink.

Now I like a little tarter in my drink, so I used more lemon juice, so based on your flavor preference feel free to increase or decrease to fit your needs. Our recipe is a starting point for your enjoyment. We also used Jack Daniels as our whiskey today, but you could use a rye based, which will make for a different flavor in your drink.

Rosemary Smoke
1 ounce Whiskey 
3/4 ounce lemon juice 
1/2 ounce rosemary simple syrup 
splash of bubbly drink

Burn a little rosemary and cover with your serving glass. In a shaker cup combine your whiskey, lemon juice and simple syrup. Shake until the outside starts to condensate. Flip your smoky cup oven and add in some ice. Pour your drink over the ice and give it a little splash of a bubbly drink. Garnish with a sprig of rosemary.

The bubbly drink you select can be your own as well. Sweeter maybe go with a ginger beer. A little drier club soda or tonic water. We use some sparkling water, mostly because we always have that on hand. Now personally I do not enjoy the smoky smell of the drink when sipping, but the flavors together make for a delish drink of choice.

As a reminder we make our simple syrup from scratch. This time be sure to add in a few springs of rosemary while cooking One to one on the water to sugar and you have a great flavored syrup for your drink.

Mix and match to find your favorite way to serve this simple drink. Enjoy with friends around the fire pit this winter and let us know how you like it. As always enjoy your drink responsibly and have a designated driver. Cheers!

By Allison Libby-Thesing 

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