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Breast Cancer Support Group Holds First Meeting

Breast Cancer Support Group Holds First Meeting
  • PublishedNovember 14, 2024

Sulphur Springs, TX –


The inaugural meeting of Hopkins County’s Breast Cancer Support Group was held on Tuesday, November 12 with an excited group of women in attendance.


The highlight of the evening was a presentation by Debbie Stribling about being thankful for a cancer journey. She eloquently presented a moving piece written by Liz Curtis Higgs.


Renee Maeker presented the opening prayer, and Kristi Brewer provided a closing prayer.

Carolyn McKinney and the Foundation provided refreshments and door prizes.


Discussion was held about outreach and how to best help individuals on a cancer journey. This group is committed to meeting each person where and how they need to be met. For those who don’t want to be part of group, a gentle card or call will be given. For those who want more information, knowledge and resources will be shared. For those who just want to be near people who have been through the experience, monthly meetings will be held. Each person’s journey is different, so the support will be unique as well.

This meeting was inspirational and reassuring.

Future meetings of the Hopkins County Breast Cancer Support Group will be held each month on the second Monday at 5:30 pm in the conference room of the Medical Plaza at 113 Airport Rd. The next meeting will be on Monday, December 9. All breast cancer patients and survivors are welcome. Women with female-related cancers are also invited.


The Foundation extends a warm thank you to the women who have made the Hopkins County Breast Cancer Support Group a reality. Their desire to serve others is heartening.


To stay informed about the breast cancer support group and other offerings, please follow the Hopkins County Health Care Foundation on Facebook or Instagram.


For more information, contact the Hopkins County Health Care Foundation at 903-438-4799 or


Photo: The first meeting of the Hopkins County’s Breast Cancer Support Group was held on Tuesday, November 12. Some of the women who attended are pictured here, from left to right, Kristi Brewer (chair), Jo Beth Brewer, Carolyn McKinney (refreshments), Vickie Pickel (outreach), Renee Maeker, and Debbie Stribling.

Written By
Chloe Kopal

Chloe Kopal was born and raised in Sulphur Springs, Texas. She attended Sulphur Springs High School for 4 years and graduated in 2021. She was also a line member for the Blue Blazes Drill Team for 3 years. Chloe is the Digital Content Creator for Front Porch News. Her love for our community shows through her work. She is very passionate about photography and has been ever since the first time she picked up a camera many years ago.