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HCGS lunch & learn

HCGS lunch & learn
  • PublishedOctober 22, 2024

The Fourth Wednesday Lunch & Learn will be held this coming Wednesday, October 23, 2024, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. at 611 North Davis St., Sulphur Springs, TX.  The Hopkins County Genealogical Society invites anyone who wants to learn more about doing genealogical research to come on in.  Bring your sack lunch, salad or drive-through meal and your tablet or laptop, if you wish.
Last month we viewed a FamilySearch virtual presentation on how to create a family tree and how to read a fan chart.  This month we are going to return to Amy Johnson Crow with Generations Connections and her class on “Vital Records Substitutes.”  This class has 4 Lessons:  1.  Intro and Substitutes for Many Types of Records  2.  Birth and Marriage Records Substitutes  3.  Death Records Substitutes  4.  Substitutes for Veterans; Evaluating and Finding Substitutes.  We have all really enjoyed Amy Johnson Crow in the past and she always provides wonderful handouts with her presentations.  We should be able to complete all four lessons in the hour allotted.
We hope that you will join us and bring a friend!!                                                                                   
Just a reminder:  This will be our last “Lunch & Learn” for 2024, as we will not meet in November or December.  However, we will
begin again in January 2025 and we plan to bring you more programs to improve and/or enhance your research techniques.

Written By
Chloe Kopal

Chloe Kopal was born and raised in Sulphur Springs, Texas. She attended Sulphur Springs High School for 4 years and graduated in 2021. She was also a line member for the Blue Blazes Drill Team for 3 years. Chloe is the Digital Content Creator for Front Porch News. Her love for our community shows through her work. She is very passionate about photography and has been ever since the first time she picked up a camera many years ago.