2025 Gala Silent Auction
Planning for the January 25, 2025 Gala is well underway. One of the popular features of the night is the silent auction which allows attendees and those at home to bid on items donated to the cause.
To have an array of items for bidders to choose from, volunteers will begin asking for donations in the coming weeks. Possible items they are seeking are gift certificates, themed baskets, memorabilia, art, décor, and other items for men, women, and children. Interested donors who do not have products or services to feature in the auction may wish to donate cash that can then be used to purchase goods for the auction.
To provide maximum exposure for donations, the committee asks that all donations be turned in by Friday, November 15. This allows time for photographing the items, adding to the Gala website, including in the printed program, and any other publicity for the auction.
The 2024 silent auction exceeded $30,000, a significant part of the overall fundraising goal for the night. Committee members hope to have an equally impactful silent auction again this year.
Gala Silent Auction Chair Carolyn McKinney shared, “The silent auction committee worked so hard last year to meet the goal. We were blessed that the community embraced our efforts and partnered with us on this initiative. Without this partnership between volunteers and donors, the Gala’s impact on local healthcare would not be possible. I want to thank each volunteer and donor for making this possible.”
The silent auction runs both online and in person. Bids can be placed as soon as Noon on Monday, January 20 with bidding concluding at 10 pm the night of the Gala, January 25.
Any business, organization, or individual who wants to donate an item or funds to the Gala silent auction may contact the Hopkins County Health Care Foundation at 903-438-4799 or kayla.price@christushealth.org.
The Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. All funds raised are used to improve healthcare in Hopkins County.
Photo 4007: A popular group of items in the Gala Silent Auction are the meal-a-month cards from local restaurants. Bid winners are given a punch card they can use each month for a meal or other designated item.
Photo 4010: The Gala Silent Auction includes some amazing memorabilia each year. This Michael Young autographed Texas Rangers cap was popular with sports fans last year.
Photo 4014: From golf outings to a shotgun shell flag, the Gala Silent Auction has something for everyone. The committee wants to offer something for all ages be it experiences, gift certificates, baskets, décor, or one-of-a-kind items.