SSISD board briefs for October 19, 2022

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A regular meeting of the Sulphur Springs ISD school board was held in the Board Room of the Administration Building, Monday, October 19, 2022.
No one from the public requested to address the Board.
A report was given of Red Ribbon Week activities. Red Ribbon Week will be observed in SSISD the week of October 24 – October 28.
Board members were provided with copies of the following Head Start items for informational purposes:
Director’s Report for August/September; Policy Council Minutes for September; Financial Report for September
Board members received required Head Start governmental body training from Head Start Director/Principal Sherry Sinclair via a PowerPoint presentation.
Bill Messick from Linebarger Attorneys gave a report on the 2021 Property Value Study.
Pat Leber gave the Board an update on Emergency Operations.
Along with routine matters, the board approved the following:
Head Start Policy Council Bylaws.
Organizational flow chart for Douglass Early Childhood Learning Center Head Start Program.
Head Start Mission Statement & Philosophy.
Head Start Personnel Policy Summary.
Appointed John Prickette as school board representative to the Head Start Policy Council for 2022-2023.
Campus and District Improvement Plans for 2022-2023.
Updated signature cards at City National Bank.
Legal retainer membership renewal with Walsh, Gallegos, Trevino, Kyle & Robinson P.C.
Adjunct Faculty appointments with the local Texas Cooperative Extension office.
SHAC members for the 2022-2023 school year.
Grant application and resolution for Bullet resistant shield program.
Interlocal Agreement and Board Resolution for Region 8 Education Service Center Plan Cooperative (Employee Benefits) – Changing names.
- Amy Glenn
- Adrienne Hodges
- Whitney Vaughn
- Nancy Reyes
- Jennifer Heitman
- Abbey Roper
- Susan Mooney
- Chelsea Cupp-Mayes
- Karr Brooke
- Mandy Barrett
- Johanna Hicks
- Laura Kosub
- Sylvia Millsap
- Tanna Holland
- Veronica Arnold
- Emily Faircloth
- Dana Sills
- Shanna Romero
- Leslie Harred
- Brittany Preas
- Beverly Mayo
- Jeremy Lopez (ex officio)
Contributed by Mikki Daniel
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