City of Texarkana sees ‘raining fish’
The city of Texarkana is getting a different kind of precipitation– fish. On the afternoon of December 29, residents discovered that fish had fallen from the sky, according to the city of Texarkana.
“Animal rain is a phenomenon that occurs when small water animals like frogs, crabs, and small fish are swept up in waterspouts or drafts,” the city said, quoting a 2013 National Geographic article. “They are then rained down at the same time as the rain.”
Citizens of the city reported raining fish in several Texarkana locations, including Summerhill Road, Wood Street and Texas High School.
“It was definitely something I would have not believed if I didn’t see it for my own eyes!” said citizen Kelley Moore.
“We thought it was hail hitting our car but it was fish from Heaven,” added Dave and Judy Helmick.
The city did not speculate about the kind of fish, nor where they originally came from.