Newest SS council member Julian reflects on first year in office
The following statement was released by council member Jay Julian, Sulphur Springs City Council Place 1.
“December 17th is my one year anniversary as your City Councilman, Place 1. I was first sworn in as a city councilman by City Secretary Gale Roberts on December 17, 2020, after winning an election runoff for the unfinished term of the previous place-one officeholder. Subsequently, in May 2021, I won the regular election for a full three year term and was administered the oath of office on June 1, 2021, during the regular council meeting.
“I would like to confirm that I have neither missed a regular city council meeting nor been absent for a special city council meeting this past year. I would like to assure the citizens that I serve, that I read EVERYTHING. When the council meeting packets are delivered on the Friday afternoon prior to the Tuesday of the regular meeting, I immediately download the information package and read it all. I research questions that I develop as part of my review and due diligence process and I often shoot multiple emails to the city manager to obtain additional information, clarification and context. Also, I drive by and view and inspect every property that is up for a vote. Even if it just a “routine” 380 Agreement on an obscure vacant lot somewhere within the city limits—I drive to it. I do not intend to vote on a property that I have not seen.
“If you follow city council news in the press, you know that I vote independently. I call it like I see it. I am not a “yes man” and there are votes on record where I have voted NO. Additionally, I recused myself from one vote this year. That recusal stemmed from a housing development considered by the city council within Woodbridge Crossing, where I own real property within 250 feet of the property being considered. Recusal was the right thing to do.
“I do not take any vote personally and harbor no ill-will toward my peers for voting one way or the other. Each councilman votes his conscience. There are seven councilmen, and we all bring varied backgrounds and experiences to the council when we deliberate an issue and I respect what each one brings to the table. From the seven councilmen, I believe that ultimately good decisions are made, regardless of which side of an issue I am on. Once a vote is cast, I look forward, not backward.
“The city’s budget process is intense and is a lot of work and requires a lot of listening and reading. The budget process provides councilmen the opportunity to interact with department heads and the assistant city managers directly. Your city’s budget process is well thought out and organized. The budget process has a good flow, and the various budget workshops allow council members to interact and get unvarnished intelligence on city operations as it relates to budgeting issues.
“The climate on the council, from my perspective, is one of respect, focus, openness, and professionalism. All of those characteristics are brought to bear on doing what is right for the City of Sulphur Springs, and moving Sulphur Springs forward in a thoughtful and manageable way.
“I want to thank my supporters. I can not serve with the confidence I have without YOU. To my detractors, I am your representative on the city council too. There are a couple more years left of my first term. I pray you will be open minded and afford me the opportunity to win you over.
“Thank you for the opportunity to serve.
— Jay Julian, City of Sulphur Springs City Council Place 1
This submission has been edited for formatting only.