Commissioners court discuss election worker pay

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The Hopkins County commissioners court discussed election worker payment, among other items of business at their regular December 13 meeting. After opening the meeting at 9:03 a.m., Hopkins County Judge Robert Newsom opened the floor to citizen comments [see related story], and public forum was closed at 9:22 a.m.
The court unanimously approved their consent agenda.
The court unanimously approved a request from Farmers Electric Co-Op for utilities to cross County Road 2333.
The court then discussed use of county timesheets for election workers.
County treasurer Danny Davis presented he would like to use county timesheets for election workers.
Davis stated the following frustrations with the current system: superfluous email exchanges, illegible handwriting on time cards, unclear timecard organization by workers, and scheduling problems.
Davis stated that he was “not asking for the state requirement to be done away with,” but only that the county implement county timesheets in addition to Texas election timesheets.
Pct. I Commissioner Mickey Barker asked for clarification on how many time cards are submitted, and Davis told him that election workers were “already submitting multiple forms… it’s confusing.”
Barker wanted to know if Davis’s plan was “different than what we already do” and Smith stated yes: in this case, poll workers would fill out two timesheets. One for the state and one for the county.
Election manager Tammy Calhoun stated she believed Davis was provided sufficient information to complete timesheets.
“They just clock in and clock out, basically,” Calhoun said. Calhoun further stated that she believed the county keeps good track of where and how much time workers spend on elections, due to the auditor’s office running a comprehensive report.
Smith told the court that if any such measure was passed to use county paperwork, paperwork needed to be “revamped” to include specific legal language required by the state. “If we get audited by the state, they’re going to want that,” she said.
Barker asked Davis to review proposed paperwork with the court, and the men did so. Davis also shared the information with Pct. 3 Commissioner Wade Bartley. County judge Robert Newsom, a juris doctor, paid close attention to state-mandated language, specifically oaths required by poll workers.
“It’s not that we’re so old we don’t want to change,” Calhoun said. “It’s the legal department at the Secretary of State, we called and asked them. They said no.”
Davis countered that he wanted an addendum to the legal legend.
“I just want it [timesheets] on an official document where it’s trackable,” he said. “It was handwritten. It was illegible. I couldn’t make heads or tails of it.”
Calhoun volunteered to type up handwritten notes for Davis. She stated she was concerned about giving more tasks to those who set up election equipment, who often spend 12-16 hours on the job for more than two weeks in a row. She stated some of these hours are labor-intensive.
Calhoun also stated she was worried those who set up election equipment may quit after not being paid promised wages. Davis countered that he felt consternation over poll workers who set up booths being promised $20 per hour, whereas he believed the court had only authorized $12 per hour.
“By law, I cannot pay someone something that’s not budgeted,” Davis said. “We cannot find any documentation on that.”
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Calhoun stated she found documentation dating back to 2009 regarding the $20 an hour wage for those who set up election equipment. Davis stated he found no such documentation.
Barker moved to table the motion in order for “department heads to work this out.” The court unanimously affirmed the motion, and the motion was tabled until a later time.
The court then discussed election equipment conversion re: Senate bill 598.
“We’ve gone electric (voting machines) in Hopkins and people really love it,” Newsom said. “However, to be compliant, we can still keep our electric, but now the electric system will kick out paper again.”
Smith stated federal funding would provide for the costs 100% as long as conversion took place by November 2022. Total costs provided would be $314,520, and Hopkins will be responsible to purchase the software and train workers.
The item was unanimously passed.
The court unanimously passed a $20 per hour retroactive wage dating back to Nov. 2 of this year for those who set up election equipment.
“It is very much manual labor, it is a lot,” Smith said. “This is an agreement between the previous clerk and previous auditor, they hashed it out. Since 2009.”
Barker asked if those who set up election equipment had not been paid for the past election, and Smith stated that was correct.
Davis endorsed the measure to the court, urging them to “do it legally.”
The court unanimously passed the final plat for the Twin Farms Lake Addition, comprised of 24 lots near the Weaver community and located in Pct. 3 south Farm Road 269, a mile south of Interstate 30 near County Roads 3644, 3351, and 3344.
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The court recognized citizen Jacob Brown for his excellence in fulfilling Texas Commission on Fire Protection’s Instructor I and Instructor II course held November 29, as well as completing the certification to hold a position as Instructor I or Instructor II on December 3.
“It’s a good thing for us and we appreciate him greatly,” county fire marshal Andy Endsley stated.
The court unanimously authorized Pct. I to renew its 3-year lease on a backhoe for a total of $8250, which falls within the Pct. I budget.
The court had no budget amendments or line items transfers.
The court unanimously authorized payment of bills.
The court had neither grants nor donations to accept.
The court had no personnel matters.
The court had assets to dispose.
The court had no resolutions or proclamations.
With no further business, court was adjourned at 9:53 a.m.
By Taylor Nye. Abbi Beggs contributed to this report.
An earlier version of this report did not specify who would receive a $20 wage, and misidentified Calhoun’s job title. It has been updated to reflect that.
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