A Fresh Start to a Healthier You & Texas Speaks by Johanna Hicks, Family & Community Health Agent
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Texas Speaks
Hopefully, you have heard about Texas Speaks by now. This is a state-wide on-line survey conducted by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service with the purpose of listening to Texas citizens as they identify strengths and needs of Texas communities.
Data from the survey will be aggregated at local levels and provided to local stakeholders. Additionally, statewide data will be aggregated and made available to state agencies and decision makers. The goal is to engage as many Texas citizens as possible to create the most accurate and helpful data to support Texas communities at both the county and state levels.
Here are some quick facts about the survey:
- On-line
- Open to the public
- Anonymous
- Takes about 10 minutes
- Includes an opportunity to collect open-ended feedback
To access the survey, please go to: http://tx.ag/texasspeaks When I last checked the progress of Hopkins County, 47 individuals had completed the survey, but we hope for MANY more! If you do not have access to internet, you are welcome to come by the Extension office and we will be glad to accommodate you. We appreciate you taking the time to participate!
A Fresh Start to a Healthier You
This 4-session series promotes healthy living by teaching about balanced, nutritious meals and snacks, food safety, saving money on food, and daily physical activity. In the past, the series has been held face-to-face, but is now offered online. Participants can view the sessions on any device with internet connection. Participants can take the sessions at any time that works best for them.
Participant survey data shows:
- 15% increase in eating fruits and vegetables
- Increase in meal planning
- Increase in using a grocery list
- Improvement in comparing prices (unit pricing) while grocery shopping
The February series just ended, but another series will take place in April with a new topic being available each week. If you would like to take the self-paced series, registration and the first session begins April 5 with a new topic introduced on April 12, 19, and 26. Contact me at 903-885-3443 if you are interested in participating.
Closing Thought
What you do today can improve all your tomorrows – Ralph Marston
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