What’s Happening with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension by Johanna Hicks, Family & Community Health Agent

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What’s Happening with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Folks who visit our office never ask if anything is going on – they ask what is going on! We always have something of interest planned for all ages. The 4-H program is off to a good start, and enrollment for the 2020/2021 year is now taking place. We have five clubs in the county. Enrollment is open to all youth grades 3 thru 12. Contact our office for information on joining.
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4-H Foods & Nutrition is one of the most popular projects in Hopkins County. Recently, our 4-H Foods Project kids were given kits in leu of a face-to-face workshop. Each participant received 5 kits to take home and complete at their own pace. Topics included:
- Set the Table/Read the Label
- Mix and Measure
- Gadgets and Gizmos
- Experimenting with Herbs and Spices
- Crockin’ Kids
Each kit provided challenges to complete at their own pace. All utensils and equipment were provided – even some spices and herbs. Through a grant, I was able to purchase a spiralizer for each participant. (If you are not familiar with that, it’s a gadget that can make noodles from spaghetti, apples, and other fruits and vegetables.) Master Wellness Volunteers assisted in preparing the kits. A survey and a check sheet for completed projects rounded out the project. From feedback received so far, the kits were a huge hit!
National 4-H Week, October 4-10, is just around the corner. Hopkins County 4-H members, parents, leaders, and supporters will celebrate with a kick-off at the Extension office on Monday, October 5. Judge Robert Newsom will be on hand to read the 4-H proclamation at 4:15, followed by refreshments and County 4-H Council and leaders/parents meeting. The new 4-H Food Show guidelines will be introduced via Zoom at 6:30 p.m. for interested 4-H’ers and leaders.
Also taking place during national 4-H Week is the Project Show. This event gives 4-H members the opportunity to showcase their talents in photography, art, woodworking, crafts, handiwork, and others. Items may be brought to the Extension office Monday thru Friday, October 5-8. Items will be judged on October 9 and on display to the public the week of October 12. Be sure to drop by and view the exhibits!
Also kicking off in October is the annual Walk & Talk event. This is an 8-week series focusing on regular physical activity and increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables. Fresh Start to A Healthier You is another program that will be held on-line for viewing from the comfort of your own home. Contact my office at 903-885-3443 for more information on both of these.
Of course, the Hopkins County Fall Festival is a popular annual event. As coordinator of the Arts & Crafts Show and the Creative Arts Contest, I encourage you to take advantage of the festivities on October 23 and 24. Other events will include a petting zoo, hay bale contest, parade, and more.
Looking to November, the ever-popular Extension Christmas Joys holiday program will be held on Monday, November 9, at the ROC (please note the change in location.) A third session has been added to accommodate physical distancing. It is shaping up to be a great program – decorating, recipes, gift-giving ideas and more! Call 903-885-3443 to reserve a seat. We must have a name and phone number for each seat reserved.
So, what’s happening with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension? Now you know!
Closing Thought
When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people; as I grow older, I admire kind people – Abraham Heschel
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