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Weekly CHRISTUS Mother Frances-Sulphur Springs Report for July 31st, 2020 by Holly Ragan

Weekly CHRISTUS Mother Frances-Sulphur Springs Report for July 31st, 2020 by Holly Ragan
  • PublishedJuly 31, 2020

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Hospital Visitation

For the safety and health of the community and our ministry, CHRISTUS Health is screening all associates and visitors to our hospitals to help lessen the risk of infectious disease transmission among our patients, associates, and guests. 

  • (1) Entrance to hospital through Emergency Department 24/7
  • (1) Visitor per patient
  • Visitors must be between the ages of 16 years-old and 65-years old
  • All visitors are screened at the door, including a temperature taken
  • All associates are screened at each shift, including a temperature taken
  • Visiting hours are 7am to 7pm (subject to change)
  • ALL hospital visitors are required to wear a mask. Visitors should bring their own mask; homemade cloth masks are acceptable.

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COVID-19 Testing

Experiencing Symptoms?

If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms such as fever, shortness of breath, cough, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, chills, muscle pain or headache, or diarrhea, please call your provider for either a face-to-face appointment or a telemedicine consultation.  If your provider determines you need to have a COVID-19 test, they will send you to the appropriate outpatient location for testing.  If you are experiencing an emergency, please present to the Emergency Room.  At this time, we are preserving our Emergency Room COVID-19 tests for those who are experiencing an emergency.  Otherwise, we would ask that you follow the steps above.  If you do not have a healthcare provider, CHRISTUS Trinity Clinic welcomes new patients.  Please call 903.885.3181 to talk to one of our associates about setting up an appointment.


Don’t Delay Care:

We want to be perfectly clear – CHRISTUS Trinity Mother Frances remains a safe place for all to receive quality care. Go to the Emergency Department or call 9-1-1 if you are urgently ill. While COVID-19 is new, our processes and procedures in place for infection prevention and preventing the spread of illness are not. To learn more about COVID-19, go to or

Article by Holly Ragan, Christus-Sulphur Springs Mother Frances, Senior Market Development 

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