Daily Devotional from The Way Bible Church for June 17th, 2020
Wednesday, June 17
Isaiah 43:19
Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
That promotion you got pasted up for. That house loan you didn’t get. Getting Bullied in the bathroom. That boyfriend, girlfriend, or even spouse who cheated on you. What are you doing with the dirt from your past? Do you feel walked on, trampled down and kicked aside because of the dirt in your life? If so, you have a choice. You can choose to walk on it or you can cultivate it. You have the power to choose whether or not your past propels you or punishes you. You can choose to be mad that people who walked on and abused you or you can take responsibility for not having pushed those things aside and move on. The reason why people allow others to walk all over them is because they’ve allowed their dirt to become a pathway rather than a place to plant. If the truth were to be told, the person who they’ve allowed to treat them the worst was themself. Wallowing in their own shame and guilt for what may have been years has simply kept them from rising up and becoming all who God has called them to be. If this sounds like you, enough is enough. Stop waiting on God to rise you up and fix you when already He’s given you everything you need to pull yourself out of the mess you’re in. If you need help ask Him to show you who to reach out to. Today doesn’t have to end like all the rest. You can start pushing the past behind you where it belongs and start living the way you have always dreamed you could. Let Him plant the seeds of a harvest in the same dirt that once buried you. – Love and Blessings, Pastor Jeff
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