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Sulphur Springs’ M&F Western Products Donates 30,000 Children’s Boots to Buckner Shoes for Orphan Souls

Sulphur Springs’ M&F Western Products Donates 30,000 Children’s Boots to Buckner Shoes for Orphan Souls
  • PublishedFebruary 10, 2020

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buckner shoes for orphan souls receives boot donation from m f western products

When Mickey Eddins received a shipment of nearly 30,000 pairs of children’s boots he couldn’t use, the founder and owner of M&F Western Products, Inc. in Sulphur Springs, Texas, decided to turn his lemons into lemonade.


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Mickey is a long-time resident and business owner in Sulphur Springs. He’s also a devoted member of First Baptist Church in Sulphur Springs. He mentioned his dilemma to his friend Chris Liebrum, whose parents grew up together at Buckner Orphans Home. Chris, director of the Office of Cooperative Program Ministry for Texas Baptists, knew immediately what to do. He reached out to Buckner International andBuckner Shoes for Orphan Souls®.



The boots are perfectly functional and beautifully made, but had been finished incorrectly, and would show wear sooner than a customer would prefer. Mickey felt like it wouldn’t be right to sell them, but he also needed to get them out of his warehouse.


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Mickey very generously agreed to donate all boots to vulnerable children in places like PeruGuatemala, and of course, Texas. He’s still in the process of transporting the shoes from his warehouse to the Buckner Center for Humanitarian Aid, but Steve Watson, director of aid for Buckner, estimates the total shipment will fill about five semi-tractor trailers.


“We’ve been rearranging for the last few days to find space for this generous donation,” Steve said. “Running out of storage because our rafters are filled up with boots for children is a great problem to have!”

Donations like Mickey’s can make a huge impact on the number of children Buckner is able to serve. Shoes are a primary outreach tool that enables Buckner staff to explain services available to entire families, especially through the Buckner Family Hope Center programs located in communities around the world.



These boots will be a wonderful way to show God’s love and care to children who desperately need to know they are not forgotten. We’ve seen over and over again how one pair of shoes can lead to children and their families receiving essentials services and life-changing tools to lift themselves out of a difficult situation.


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For Mickey, a kingdom mindset is always first and foremost as he runs his business. Integrity and faithfulness aren’t always highest on the list of qualities recommended for success in a world that prizes big wins and profits, and Buckner is incredibly grateful for donors like Mickey Eddins and his impact on thousands and thousands of children.

For more information about how you and your church, business or community group can get involved with Buckner Shoes for Orphan Souls, please visit  

Submitted for Publication by Buckner Shoes for Orphan Souls



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