Sulphur Springs ISD Begins Long-Term Strategic Planning

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Sulphur Springs ISD recently began the process of strategic planning for the future of the school district. In November, a step was taken in this process by compiling a strategic planning committee made up of 20 community representatives, 20 school district employees, and two SSISD students. The committee met for three days to engage in discussions about our community and schools. There was representation from each of the SSISD campuses, as well as a diverse representation of the community. The process itself also included a Q & A session with 12 students from the middle school and high school. This was very enlightening for the group as students responded to questions about how they viewed the education system here in SSISD.
This committee worked hard to develop a clear set of belief statements for the district along with a mission statement and set of long-term strategies to guide the work. This work, however, has just begun and now people are needed who are willing to participate in the next phase of strategic planning. Per the attached flyer there will be six evening sessions (6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.) in January and February where teams will work on design plans in five different categories: curriculum, innovation, leadership and development, facilities, and community outreach. If you are interested in being on one of these teams, please send Superintendent Michael Lamb an email at and let him know your 1st and 2nd choice of the area you would like to work on.
The teams will spend a great deal of time this spring discussing the components of SSISD’s future plans. This will include campus-based discussions as well as a series of town hall style follow up meetings for people to have an opportunity to ask questions, share ideas, and provide input into the direction of this work.
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