Daily Devotional from The Way Bible Church for August 31st, 2019

Saturday, August 31
Luke 10:40
But Martha was distracted with much serving. And she went up to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.”
When you find yourself at the point of being overwhelmed, the worst thing you can do is play the victim card. Just like Martha, it can even put you in a place of being upset with the Lord. When you take on a defeated mindset you put yourself in place of dependency on others rather than drawing from the grace that the Lord is trying to give you. You don’t have to be a victim, you can only allow yourself be one. Even those who have suffered horrible wrongs and abuses at the hands of others can find freedom if they’ll seek Him for it. In most cases however, people are usually victims of their own obligations. This makes the solution much easier because the equation starts and stops with the same person. Stop, arrest the perpetrator, that being you. Bring them before the Judge and allow Him to put an end to the cycle of victimization that has been hindering you for so long. You are a victor, not a victim. – Love and Blessings, Pastor Jeff
This Sunday, September 1st, TWBC sign-ups begin for our Fall Semester of GroupLife. We will be launching over 20 Know and Grow groups throughout the month of September. You can get a head start by going on our TWBCSS App and actually join a group today! Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the life and fulfillment that comes from building Godly relationships. This is your opportunity to belong, not just attend. If you have any questions or would like more information, contact Pastor Jeff @ 903 438 2363 or jatiemeyer@twbcss.com.
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