Field Day for Grasslands Managers Scheduled for October 18th

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Field Day for Grasslands Managers: October 18,2019
With the purpose of learning, sharing experience and visiting grasslands, the NATGLC, Texas Park and Wildlife, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension and NETBiO has organized the field day for producers and glasslands managers scheduled for October 18, 2019. The session will start at 9:00 AM with a grasslands management overview, followed by a pasture walk, at noon a lunch will be provided sponsored by NETBIO and The Texas Park and Wildlife program in upland birds. The day will continue after lunch with the beef cattle management component. The program will start at 9:00 AM and finish at 4:30. There is no cost for the program but interested attendees must RSVP by October 4, 2019. The tour will be host by Ebel Grasslands Ranch located at 225 CR 3611, Sulphur Bluff, Texas 75481. For more information or registering for the tour please call the Hopkins County Extension Office at 903-8853443.
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