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YOUR TEXAS AGRICULTURE MINUTE: Modern agriculture fuels America Presented by Texas Farm Bureau’s Mike Miesse

YOUR TEXAS AGRICULTURE MINUTE: Modern agriculture fuels America Presented by Texas Farm Bureau’s Mike Miesse
  • PublishedJuly 20, 2018



Some wish for the good old days when most people lived on a farm.

They wish for 30 acres, a mule and growing their own food. But it was difficult work to scratch out a living. That’s why many left the farm and pursued a different way of life, using other skills to provide for their families. 

In that era, modern agriculture was born. Advanced equipment and innovation helped grow our food and fiber.

Those who stayed on the land were a tough bunch. They had passion and grit. And they embraced change. Those farmers and ranchers are the foundation of modern agriculture.

Today, technology, crop protection and crop diversity make them more efficient and productive. And farms have grown as families come back to the farm.

We shouldn’t wish for the good old days. We should look forward to those good days still to come. Modern agriculture in the U.S. is the envy of the world.


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