Sulphur Springs ISD Board Briefs-May 14th, 2018
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A regular meeting of the Sulphur Springs ISD school board was held on Monday, May 14, 2018.
Josh Williams gave updates on elementary and secondary campuses/programs.
Peyton Dietze was recognized as Valedictorian of the Class of 2018.
Sarah Harper was recognized as Salutatorian of the Class of 2018.
Spring Academic UIL updates were given by Josh Williams (elementary), Kathy Wright (middle school), and Gerald Grafton (high school).
John Bimmerle presented an Instructional Technology update.
Sherry McGraw presented the Board with the budget calendar for 2018.
Michael Lamb reported on first round 5th & 8th grade STAAR test scores.
Lamb presented a field trip report for the 2017-18 school year.
The Board was given the Head Start Director’s Report for April for informational purposes only:
Along with routine matters, the following were approved:
2018-19 SSISD Head Start Self-Assessment Summary-Program Improvement Plan.
Unopposed incumbent board members Jason Dietze and Kerry Wright were sworn in for another three-year term.
New board officers were elected as follows:
President-Robbin Vaughn, Vice President-Robert Cody, Secretary-Clay Johnson
2018-2019 contracted service agreements with Region VIII Education Service Center.
Updating access control systems at Travis Primary and current Douglas campuses.
HVAC equipment replacement at current ECLC campus.
Purchase of security department vehicle.
Steven Proctor Band Director Middle School/High School
Kara Ballard Head Start Mental Health/ ECLC
Disabilities Specialist
Alejandra Hernandez Pre-K Aide ECLC
Lisa Johnson SpEd Teacher ECLC
Arlett Monrreal Title I Aide ECLC
Alexa Thomas Grade 2 Teacher Lamar
Alison Thompson Grade 1 Teacher Lamar
Justin Wilkerson PE Teacher Lamar
Kylie Wyly Library Aide Lamar
Shelby Harrelson Grade 3 Teacher SS Elementary
Alyssa Payne Grade 4 Teacher SS Elementary
Tiffany Walker Grade 3 Teacher SS Elementary
Stephanie Buchanan SpEd Aide Douglas
Kristin McKinney Grade 5 Teacher Douglas
Melissa Peugh English Teacher Middle School
New Personnel
Janelle Safford Elementary Instruct. Tech. Spec. Administration
Kelly Herriage Grade 1 Math & Science Teacher Former ECLC
Nicole Olson Kingergarten ELAR Teacher Former ECLC
Chelsea Adams Grade 3 Math Teacher Bowie
Summer Ball Grade 1 Teacher Bowie
Chasity Nottingham Grade 3 ELAR Teacher Bowie
Lisa Lantz Elementary Counselor Lamar
Kaci Smith Kindergarten Teacher Lamar
Aleesa Morris Grade 3 ELAR Teacher Travis
Hayley Brock Grade 5 ELAR Teacher SS Elementary
Joseph Boedigheimer Instruct. Tech. Spec. Middle School
Cassidy McClure Math Teacher Middle School
Troy Emerson Auto Tech Teacher High School
Mariela Fitzsimmons Spanish Teacher High School
Personnel Changes New position/campus Former position/campus
Rachel Kistler Special Prog. Specialist/ Acad. Spec./Bowie
Special Services
Miki Koon Mental Health&Disabilities Spec./ Kindergarten/Former ECLC
Douglas ECLC
Jovona Schmidt Grade 1 ELAR/Former ECLC Grade 3 ELAR/SS Elem
Esmeralda Aguilar Title I Aide/Bowie Receptionist/ECLC
Lesli Ray Dyslexia Therapist/Bowie Grade 1 ELAR/Bowie
Denise Bybee P.E. Teacher/Lamar Grade 1 Bilingual/Travis
Sofia Sosa Bilingual Aide/Travis SpEd Aide/Lamar
Abigail Godina Grade 5 Bilingual/SS Elem. Bilingual Aide/SS Elem.
Amanda Thompson Dyslexia Therapist/SSMS & Lamar Grade 1 Teacher/Bowie
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