Tira News by Jan Vaughn-May 11th, 2018

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We want to express our sympathy to the family of Donna Joslin. Her funeral was held on Sunday afternoon, May 6th, at the Tira Methodist Church. Lunch was served for the family at the Community Center, prior to the funeral. We want to thank all who helped with the meal. Please remember Donna’s family in prayer.
Kim Beck reports, “Alex Kennedy, a friend of our daughter Maddie, is graduating from NYU and his Sr. Project was the film “Save the Cat.” The crew was here in November to film, using Kim and Lee’s home for one of the locations. Kim says, “They fell in love with our 1969 Ford truck and used it as well.” Kim and Lee were visited again by the NYU film students over the weekend, so that they could get some additional shots for the film. Kim comments, “The weather was perfect and they got what they needed. They did have some motor trouble with “Old Blue” and we had to bring the 1969 Ford truck home on a wrecker from Athens. They quickly switched their outdoor location from Corsicana to Athens with permission from the land owner where the truck broke down. The sunset was beautiful and they wrapped the film. We hope to see a copy in the next few months.”
Joyce Dodd shared, “William and I enjoyed a very nice visit from Aunt Rosemary [Horn] and Glenda [Zumwalt] on Saturday afternoon. We enjoyed talking about old times.”
The annual Horn Family Reunion was held at the Tira Community Center on Saturday, May 5th. Janie Lewis had put a lot of energy into decorating the Center for the event and everything looked beautiful. Twenty-one people attended and enjoyed a delicious pot-luck meal and visiting.
I always need and appreciate input from my friends to help keep me informed of news in our community. If you have any news pertaining to Tira residents, past or present, please contact me, Jan Vaughn, at 903-945-2190 or 903-438-6688 or janvaughn73@gmail.com.
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