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East Texas Police Academy Class of 2018 Selling Gun-Raffle Tickets to Help With Cadet Expenses

East Texas Police Academy Class of 2018 Selling Gun-Raffle Tickets to Help With Cadet Expenses
  • PublishedApril 4, 2018

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The East Texas Police Academy Class 2018 needs your support and prayers. They are currently attending Night Basic Police Officer Class at Hopkins County Law Enforcement Center. Each cadet is required to complete 750 hours of training prior to graduation in September. Each cadet is responsible for all expenses including uniforms, books, ammunition, lodging, and other related expenses during this 7 month school. Average expense per cadet is approximately $1,525, not counting tuition.

Most of the cadets are working full time while attending the academy. You can help them out by buying chances to win one of two firearms or making a donation.

Each cadet will be selling chances to win a Colt AR-15 or a Remington 870 12 gauge tactical shotgun. The tickets are $10 each. They are also accepting donations in any amount.

Contact James Sawyer at 903-348-7902 to purchase tickets.


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