Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report October 2017
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October 10, 2017
MOORE STREET – The concrete work is completed. All that remains is a little backfilling behind the curbs and some cleanup.
PAMPA STREET –The reconstruction of Pampa Street has begun. The Capital Construction Division has finished replacing the sewer line. Construction on the water line is about to begin. After that the street will be stabilized with Portland cement and will be overlaid with asphalt.
WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT–The work at the wastewater treatment plant is on schedule despite all the spring/summer rains. The three primary clarifier basins have been constructed, and backfilling continues. Other concrete structures adjacent to the clarifiers are under construction.
CLAIMS – Workers’ Compensation – A team of four firefighters were exposed to flood waters that possibly contained E coli while assisting in Hurricane Harvey evacuation. Employees were evaluated / tested and are receiving recommended precautionary medical treatment. Claims have been submitted to TML.
Also, we received 4 minor liability claims in September. The TML risk pool denied 3 of them.
REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES –Finance Director, Peter Karstenswill present a year-to-date summary of revenues and expenditures.
Elsewhere around the city, employees:
- Repaired the Highway 11 lift station.
- Installed a new camera on the courthouse.
- Began installing Christmas lights.
- Installed an intercom at the Police Department.
- Performed preventative maintenance on wastewater aerators.
- Rebuilt pumps at the Oakridge lift station.
- Treated wastewater to a daily average total suspended solids (TSS) reading of .96 mg/L.
- Repaired 12 water main ruptures.
- Replaced 17 water meters.
- Unstopped 13 sewer mains.
- Repaired 13 sewer mains.
- Washed 75,000 feet of sewer mains.
- Flushed 35 dead end water mains.
- Repaired flood gates at Lake Sulphur Springs.
- Rebuilt fluoride pump and repaired water treatment flocculators.
- Treated 130 million gallons of potable water.
- Performed 70 fire inspections.
- Performed preventative maintenance on 75 fire hydrants.
- Responded to 139 fire rescue calls including 4 structure fires.
- Made 5 felony arrests in the special crimes unit.
- Seized 15 grams of methamphetamine.
- Seized $99,680 on two traffic stops on the interstate, and another $13,471 while working a crash.
- Closed 55 code enforcement cases and opened 51 more.
- Recorded 46 offences, wrote 495 traffic citations, made 71 arrests and responded to 37 accidents.
- Sold 2,450 gallons of AvGas and 7,815 gallons of JetA fuel.
- Made 19 extensive street repairs following utility repairs.
- Patched 601 potholes.
- Checked out 2,827 items from the library and another 492 e-books.
- Conducted 34 building inspections, 27 electrical inspections, 27 plumbing inspections, 10 mechanical inspections and issued 22 building permits.
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