John Sellers Hosting 14th Semi-Annual History By Foot on Saturday October 14th

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(Photo by Bobby McDonald from 2015 History by Foot tour.)
From John Sellers:
Dear SS and others, I am hosting the 14th semi annual History By Foot, on Sat. Oct 14th at 10.00 AM. We are starting at the grounds of the old Houston School on College St. between Lundy and Patton , and just east of the former B.F. Ashcroft White Two Story Brick.( if you need more directions, contact me!) We will walk west of College St., featuring the homes and businesses. We will walk to square and return on the other side of College to get back to start. Couple of surprises along the way! $10.00 as usual and make your reservations by emailing me. My email is and call CNB at 903-885-7523
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