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Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report for August

Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report for August
  • PublishedAugust 2, 2017

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Aug. 01, 2017

TO:                 CITY COUNCIL



LOCUST STREET–This project is nearly completed.  Tomorrow Westbrook Concrete Contractors will make the final pour.  All that we lack after that is a little clean-up.  I expect this project to be completed by next month’s meeting.


MOORE STREET – Utilitywork is completed on Moore Street.  The water main, sewer main and gas main have all been replaced.The concrete contractor, Highway 19 Construction LLC, is about to begin soil stabilization and concrete construction.


WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT – Work continues at the wastewater treatment plant.  The concrete work for the three large primary clarifiers is completed and they are now being filled with water to ensure that they don’t leak.

CLAIMS – We did not have any liability claims in July, but we did have one workers’ compensation claim for an employee who injured his back.  We expect him to return to work in about a week.

Also, a Freightliner towing a trailer struck the covering for the fuel system at the service center (1313 N. Hillcrest) causing structural damage.  We have submitted a claim to the trucking carrier for damages and loss of use.

REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES –Finance Director, Peter Karstenswill not present a year-to-date summary of revenues and expenditures since this is the first day of August, and we have not had enough time to compile the year to date financial results.

Elsewhere around the city, employees:

  • Conducted 15 building inspections, 11 electrical inspections, 9 plumbing inspections, 2 mechanical inspections, and issued 14 building permits.
  • Patched 638 potholes.
  • Made 14 major street repairs following utility repairs.
  • Replaced 48 faded stop signs.
  • Repaired light beacon at the Municipal Airport.
  • Treated wastewater effluent to a total suspended solids rating of 1.01 mg/L.
  • Repaired 9 broken water mains.
  • Replaced 14 water meters.
  • Replaced 3 fire hydrants and repaired 1.
  • Unstopped 19 sewer mains.
  • Repaired 11 sewer mains.
  • Washed 89,000 feet of sewer mains.
  • Inspected and tested several segments of sewer main.
  • Inspected Lake Sulphur Springs’ dam.
  • Flushed 36 dead-end water mains.
  • Repaired several items at the water treatment plant and the wastewater treatment plant.
  • Responded to 138 fire/rescue calls including 1 structure fire and 1 county fire.
  • Issued 3 tall grass citations and issued 54 notices.
  • Performed preventative maintenance on 82 fire hydrants.
  • Sold 1,715 gallons of AvGas and 5,001 gallons of JetA fuel.
  • Began top-dressing the soccer fields.
  • Hosted two Dixie softball tournaments.
  • Sprayed for army worms at Coleman Park.
  • Checked our 3,726 books and 497 eBooks from the Library.
  • Made 55 arrests, wrote 652 traffic citations, responded to 38 accidents, and recorded 58 offenses.
  • Made 3 felony arrests on the special crimes unit.
  • Achieved a 34% adoption rate at the animal shelter.
  • Responded to 177 animal control calls.

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