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NASA astronauts training for a possible mission to Mars have been practicing water maneuvers in a mock-up Orion space capsule in the Gulf of Mexico. Several astronauts trained Thursday in the open water, about 4 miles (6.5 kilometers) from Galveston, Texas. Click Here to read the full story.
A man trapped in an ATM was rescued Wednesday after slipping notes begging for help through the receipt slot, according to authorities. The man was a contractor who was working on the machine when he accidentally locked himself inside, according to Corpus Christi police officer Gena Pena. Click Here to read the full story.
Over the last ten years, Texas also leads the nation when it comes to foreign purchases of its agricultural land. Foreign companies and individuals have bought 1.7 million acres of farm-, timber- and pastureland in Texas over the last decade, far more than in any other state, according to a Statesman analysis of data obtained by the Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting. Click Here to read the full story.
Texans will soon be able to carry a whole host of new weapons, including swords, spears, daggers and more. Click Here to read the full story.
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