Tira News by Jan Vaughn

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We want to express our sympathy to the family of Floyd Joslin. He passed away on Sunday and a memorial service is planned for Saturday, June 10th, at 2:00 p.m. at Tapp Funeral Home Chapel. Floyd was the father of former Tira Volunteer Fire Chief, Malcolm Joslin.
The Tira City Council met on Tuesday, June 6th, at the Tira Community Center. They discussed the routine business – financial reports, volunteer fire department report, and facility and grounds needs. The group would like to make everyone aware of the long-standing tradition of Tira residents bringing food to the community center, when there is a meal for the family of a deceased loved-one. To be added to the email and/or phone list for reminders, please contact me, Jan Vaughn – see my information at the end of the column. A community ice cream social was scheduled for Saturday, July 29th, at 4:00 p.m. Please mark your calendar to come enjoy a sweet treat and visit with your neighbors. Following the meeting on Tuesday, Judy Moore, with Community Chest and the Hopkins County Ministerial Alliance presented a program on resources available to help those with needs, and then the group moved outside to the community food pantry, which was dedicated in memory of the late, former Mayor Floyd Payton. Martha and Regina Payton were special guests at the meeting and dedication.
Wanda Cummings and her daughters, Kim and Vicky, of Camarillo, California, and Carolyn Allen and her son Jeremy Allen and a friend, of Saginaw, Texas, and Jimmy and Helen Smith were in Tira on Saturday for the King, Speaks, Lewis family reunion. They visited with Troy and Georgia Smith on Saturday afternoon. Wanda and Carolyn are Troy’s nieces.
Michael and Shelia Boyd enjoyed a family-and-friends get-together last weekend. All three boys (Jeremy, Wesley and Colton) were able to attend with their families, along with Michael’s sisters Carla Boswell and family, Becky Fuhzman and family from Missouri and his mom Betty Boyd, Shelia’s sister, Sandra Crawford and family and her mom Patsy Powell were there, too, plus Steven Smith & Casie Boyd and several others. Sheila shares, “We played horseshoes, beanbag toss and enjoyed visiting. The rain stopped just in time to eat and play. We are very blessed to have such wonderful family & friends and a free nation to enjoy them in.”
Kim Beck reports, “Our son, Jackson Dailey, just got a pre-loved Mini Cooper Countryman that he can sport around San Antonio in. Ever see the movie Italian Job? He is staying busy with school and his job.” She adds, “Our daughter-in-law, Courtney Dailey, just began her summer internship at the Department of Defense office in San Antonio…son, Jason Beck, has moved with the Navy to Virginia to begin new training…daughter, Maddie Beck, just finished up her Junior year at TCU. Go Horned Frogs!”
Landon, Laiken, and Rylan Joslin drove to Kountze (near Beaumont) on Friday evening, and then picked up Dixie on Saturday morning to bring her back to Tira to spend time with her brothers and the rest of the family. Brailon and Slaiden stayed with Tiffany, Kenden, and Jaidyn. On Sunday afternoon, Dixie and Slaiden were honored with a party in celebration of their May birthdays, at the home of Laiken’s parents, Leigh Ann & Richard Panther. The kids and some of the adults enjoyed swimming, and then Dixie (6) and Slaiden (2) opened their gifts and everyone was treated to delicious cupcakes. Slaiden enjoyed eating the icing off the cupcakes. By the time we left, he was up to six!
Tiffany Vaughn celebrated her birthday on Thursday evening at China House Restaurant in Sulphur Springs, with family – Kenden and Jaidyn Joslin, Landon and Laiken Joslin & the kids Dixie, Rylan, Brailon, and Slaiden, Chip and Jan Vaughn, and Kenden’s friend, Matthew.
The Aiguier Cemetery Association moved their annual meeting from the cemetery grounds to the North Hopkins School Cafeteria last Sunday, due to the wet conditions. Several gathered for the covered dish luncheon and business meeting.
I always need and appreciate input from my friends to help keep me informed of news in our community. If you have any news pertaining to Tira residents, past or present, please contact me, Jan Vaughn, at 903-945-2190 or 903-438-6688 or janvaughn73@gmail.com.
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