High School Graduation is Upon Us! by Johanna Hicks

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School is winding down for the year, and for many, this will be the end of familiarity and the beginning of the unknown. High school seniors are the “big men on campus”, and then all of a sudden, they become freshmen again, thrust into new surroundings and the unknown. Temptations and radical thinking will bombard these young people. As a parent, I encourage you to stay true to your belief system and don’t be easily swayed to follow the wrong crowd. Alcohol and drugs are a huge problem in our society. Nobody ever had the dream of growing up to be an alcoholic or drug addict. However, this can be avoided by making wise decisions and sticking to them!
College is not for partying, although good clean socializing is possible. Attending college to pursue higher education is the main focus. College can be expensive, but more and more scholarships and financial aid are becoming available. Why would you want to waste your (or your parents’) hard-earned money by skipping classes or shirking your assignments? And as for the fun aspect – there are many opportunities to enjoy fellowship with classmates. Most campuses have faith-based student organizations that offer meals, special programs, retreats, banquets, trips, and more. Most campuses also have sororities and fraternities, but be cautious with these. Some have good academic and service-based reputations, while others are known for their partying and moral indiscretions. Do your research in order to make informed decisions.
Most of all, remember that there are people who love you and want to see you succeed. Think of all the individuals who have had an impact on your life, whether they are parents, teachers, grandparents, relatives, or other adults outside your family or school. Tell them you appreciate their influence, because kind words and thoughts often go unspoken.
Hats off to you, class of 2017! Don’t do drugs or alcohol, make wise choices, and follow your academic or career goals.
Almost Final Call for “Dinner Tonight – Cooking with Chef Cruz”
Calling all hunting enthusiasts! If you have overlooked this event, you might want to reconsider. A team of Extension Family & Consumer Sciences Agents worked diligently to bring this event to East Texas, and we want you to be a part of the action! Here are the details:
- What: “Cooking with Chef Cruz”
- Where: Hidden Lakes Hunting Lodge, Yantis
- When: Tuesday, June 6
- Time: 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
- Cost: $25
- Includes: cooking demonstrations with Red Stag Venison, Duck, Quail, Buffalo and side dishes
Each attendee will receive a goody bag with full-color recipe cards for six complete menus, along with recipes from the Texas Beef Council, rub mixes, handouts for proper storage and handling of wide game, and many other goodies. Door prizes will also be given. A tasting panel will provide feedback on each dish.
For registration information, drop by any Extension Office in Hopkins, Hunt, Wood, or Rains County, or go to: Http://hopkins.agrilife.org and click on events. Scroll down to “Dinner Tonight – Cooking with Chef Cruz”. Directions to Hidden Lakes Hunting Lodge can be found on the registration form.
Don’t delay! Seating is limited and as of this writing, we only have 35 spots remaining! Call my office at 903-885-3443 if have questions.
Closing Thought
Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens – Jimi Hendrix
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