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Three Great Opportunities with Approaching Deadlines! by Johanna Hicks

Three Great Opportunities with Approaching Deadlines! by Johanna Hicks
  • PublishedJanuary 12, 2018

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Three Great Opportunities with Approaching Deadlines!

                If you are the least bit familiar with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension in Hopkins County, you know that we always have something going on!  Extension provides many educational programs, so today, I want to focus on three upcoming events.

1)      ¡Si, Yo Puedo Controlar Mi Diabetes! is a 7-lesson series to help individuals manage their type 2 diabetes.  This series is slightly different from my previous diabetes sessions because it will be presented in Spanish.  Angela Doddy, Christus Trinity Clinic, is spearheading the event, with support from Texas A&M AgriLife Extension.  The series will begin on Tuesday, January 16, and proceed each Monday thereafter, ending on February 26.  Sessions will take place at the Hopkins County Extension Office, 1200 W. Houston, in Sulphur Springs.  Two times are being offered with the same information presented at both sessions – 1:30 and 5:30 p.m.

Type 2 diabetes can be controlled by four main key points:  food choices, physical activity, checking blood sugar, and taking prescribed medications.  All sessions in this series are free, and will be presented by medical personnel using research-based and evidence-based information.  If you know someone who could benefit, please encourage them to attend.

For more information, contact Angela Doddy, 903-244-1424 or the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Office, 903-885-3443.

(FYI – Do Well, Be Well with Diabetes will be held in April.  The 5-lession series will cover nutrition and self-management topics, and will include refreshments, recipes, door prizes, and a notebook of materials.  Cost for this series will be $25.  Watch for more details to come or call my office for dates!)

2)      Master Wellness Volunteer Program allows those who have a passion about health and wellness to share that passion with others via worksite wellness programs, community events, and more.  Obtain knowledge and skills to live a healthier lifestyle and encourage others to do the same.  Participants will receive 40 hours of training and give back 40 hours of service.  In 2017, Hopkins County Master Wellness Volunteers contributed over 700 hours of service to our community and reached over 8,000 people!  That is quite an accomplishment!

The 2018 training will begin on Tuesday, January 23, with a face-to-face session.  The session will be held via a statewide simulcast beginning at 8:30 a.m. at the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Office, 1200 W. Houston, Sulphur Springs.  Featured speakers will include:

–          9:00 – Dr. Susan Ballabina, Executive Associate Director (my former student at Tarleton State University!), welcome and the role of Extension in Community Health

–          10:00 – Andy Crocker, Extension Program Specialist, Master Wellness Volunteer Program Overview

–          11:00 – Mike Lopez, Extension Program Specialist, Walk Across Texas

–          12:00 – I’ll provide lunch and discuss what Extension does in Hopkins County.  I also hope to have current Master Wellness Volunteers share their experiences.

–          1:00 – Renda Nelson, Program Director, Better Living for Texans

–          2:00 – Luisa Colin, Special Initiatives Coordinator, The Many Faces of Diversity

–          3:00 – Odessa Appel, Extension Assistant, Dinner Tonight

–          4:00 – wrap-up and adjourn

Three sessions will be done online as self-study assignments, and we’ll reconvene on Wednesday, February 28 with another face-to-face session at the

Extension Office.  The registration deadline is January 16 and the regular cost is $75, college students $25.  Join our fabulous group of existing Master Wellness Volunteers!  You will receive “Volunteer Connection” newsletter 6 or more times per year, and we have two luncheons annually where we are able to unwind and simply visit with each other.

                To register, go to  Call the Extension Office at 903-885-3443 if you have questions.

3)      Twogether in Texas Marriage Education workshop will be held on Saturday, February 10.  Engaged couples, married couples, and seriously dating coupes are all invited to participate.  Topics include: Marriage Expectations, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Money Management, and Goals & Dreams.  There is no charge for the course, and engaged couples will receive a certificate to save $60 (state portion of the fee) upon applying for a marriage license.  The certificate is good for one year, so even if the wedding planned for later in the year, the savings is still applicable.

Two more workshops are scheduled in 2018, so if February 10 doesn’t work for you, take advantage of one of the other dates: Saturday, May 12, or Saturday, August 25.  All workshops will cover the same topics.

Morning and afternoon refreshments, as well as lunch will be provided, but I do request that couples call my office at 903-885-3443 if they plan to attend so adequate preparations can be made.

As a reminder to our Hopkins County 4-H members, we will have a 4-H Sewing Fun Day on Saturday, January 27, at 10:00 a.m.  Also, for any 4-H member interested in the Nutrition Quiz Bowl, we will have a meeting at 1:00 p.m. that same day.

Closing Thought

Look for the good in others and in yourself – Vicki Hitzges



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